Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome to my blog and info about my first book!

Hello readers! This is the first entry in the blog altogether, and I'll have some info about the book I've been reading on here in a bit.

But first, I'd like to note that the books that I'll be reading will mostly be political comedies (that phrase will be clarified when you hear about this first book) and other interesting biographies and extended essays on the world's recent political situation.

Moving on, the first book of the year that I'm enjoying is comedian Al Franken's 2003 book "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right". This looked like an interesting read right off of the bat, especially as his previous bestsellers include "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations".

This read has been very funny and intriguing because these are legitimate, quoted claims by some of the most infamous, right-wing media megaphones like Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly. Sometimes it makes you think "How does anyone make a living blatantly lying to millions of people while claiming that they themselves are the epitome of clean, well-intentioned Americans?"

And these short bits of lies aren't just Al sitting at a computer saying "That's crap" or "They don't know what they're talking about." In fact, Al cites dozens of extremely accredited news sources with articles found by a team of Harvard graduates (referred to as TeamFranken) while putting that humorous spin on it that doesn't make this publication an encyclopedia of right-wing propaganda, if you really need to dumb it down to make yourself feel like you're reading a novel with substance equivalent to a Stephen King novel. But don't worry, I feel your sense of dirtiness if you happen to pick up such an entertaining story about series' of lies and how rediculous they are.